Archives department of Myronivka State district administration of Kyiv regiond |
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History of Archive
There were documents in an amount of 2206 businesses ( 36 funds) on storage from 1929 till 1936 years before the beginning of the Second World War in the Mironovka’s district record office ( its modern name is archival department of Mironovka’s district state administration). The archive’s district apartment was situated in municipal borough of Moronovka in Chkalova Str, 26. Mironovka district was occupied in 1941 and liberated in november 1943. All the documents of fascist conqueror period were destroyed. In February,1945, archive renewed its work. Varvara Mykolaivna Naydannyk was the manager of the archive. On Augusts, 2nd, 1948, Mironovka district was reorganized in Starchenkivskiy district Kyiv region and till January, 4th , 1965, Mironovka district archive was not in operation. Documents of the fixed storage period had been removed to Kagarlyk or Boguslav of Starchenkivskiy district Kyiv region. Because of the territorial-district reform in January 4th, 1965, Mironovka district with the center in the city of Mironovka was organized for the second time. Zuravska Lukiya Ivanivna worked as the head of the district archive from January 1965 till April 1981 Evlah Lyudmila Mykolaivna worked as the head of the district archive from May, 05th , 1981 till February, 13th, 2006. In 1979 there were carteled out two separated rooms on the fouth floor (socle floor) for the purpose of storage of the management data for archive department of Mironovka district executive committee and there was carleted out one working room for the head of the archive department.
During that period the archive department of Mironovka was under the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the government and Local Authority, that were in operating on the territory of the Mironovka region as the Authorities of the Supreme Level such as the archive department of Mironovka was under the jurisdiction of archive department of Kiev region Executive Committee.
From 1989 the district archive was inferior to the Record office of Kiev region. From 1995 archive department of Mironovka’s district state administration was accountable and liable to check to the head of district state administration and to Record office of Kyiv region.
The archived department of district state administration carries out its activity on territory of district in accordance with the Statute On the archived department Mironovka’s district state administration.
The basic task of the archives department is the position of its status of government archive as documentary cultural vaues on territory of district through realization of its functions :
-providing state account of documents relied to the National archiv fund of Ukraine; - providing of grant of the archives information to theusers.
The archived department of district state administration is an independent structural subdivision of Mironovka’s district state administration. It has its own great seal for attestation of the archived certificates and copies of thearchived documents. The archive department does not have its own bank account.
All calculations of the archived department are carried out by the department of the economic and financial providing of district state administration. In February,1945, archive renewed its work. Varvara Mykolaivna Naydannyk was the manager of the archive. On Augusts, 2nd, 1948, Mironovka district was reorganized in Starchenkivskiy district Kyiv region and till January, 4th , 1965, Mironovka district archive was not in operation. Documents of the fixed storage period had been removed to Kagarlyk or Boguslav of Starchenkivskiy district Kyiv region. Because of the territorial-district reform in January 4th, 1965, Mironovka district with the center in the city of Mironovka was organized for the second time. Zuravska Lukiya Ivanivna worked as the head of the district archive from January 1965 till April 1981 Evlah Lyudmila Mykolaivna worked as the head of the district archive from May, 05th , 1981 till February, 13th, 2006. |