Archives department of

Myronivka State district administration of

Kyiv regiond



List of Services:

1. Implementation of queries of physical and legal persons.

2.A grant of documents is for the use in a reading-room.

3.Arrangement of documents is in establishments and organizations.

4.Making of copies of the archived documents.

The list of queries performed Archives:

1.Selection or taking of earth to the private and legal persons.

2.About confirmation of ownership rights on the real estate.

3. Search and grant of copies of documents ( decisions of executive branches about creation of enterprises, establishment, organization and others like that ).

Characteristics of the main types of requests:

The queries of citizens to the archived department are divided into :



Sociallegal queries touch the grant of necessary information :

about labour experience in establishments, organizations of the Миронівського district;
about a salary in establishments and organizations of the Миронівського district.

Queries are executed free of charge. Term of implementation of запитів- 1місяць from the day of registration of statement or sheet.

2.Thematic queries touch a grant to information on certain issue or theme for certain хронолічний period about:

selection of lot land to establishments, to organizations and private persons on territory of the Миронівського district;
grant of copies of decisions, orders and resolutions of the authorized organs ( executive committees of district and village soviets ), and also separate managements of the Миронівського district;
changes in the administrative-territorial device of the Миронівського district, redesignating of streets ( gets gratuitously to the citizens for the decision of them sociallegal necessities, for example: establishment of citizenship);
building of establishments, organizations, economic complexes, dwelling-houses, founding of educational establishments and others like that.

All the queries of thematic character are executed on requiring payment basis. The sum of payment of work after the appeals of establishments, organizations and physical persons is set according to the price-list of prices on works ( services ) in the field of the use of documents, heads of Миронівської райдержадміністрації ratified by an order from 27.12.2011р.,№738 and executed by the archived department on contractual principles. The terms of implementation of queries can be prolonged depending on complication.

Information about the consultation provided:

Under the Law of Ukraine "On the appeal of citizens" of answer for queries given by the archived department during a month, and depending on the results of пошуку- the archived certificate, or negative answer, if corresponding documents it is not educed in an archive.

Queries of invalids and veterans of Great Patriotic war 1941-1945, veterans of labour, disabled persons and persons, that suffered as a result of accident on Chornobil АЕС, other persons that need social defence, - executed first of all, and,on possibility, quickly.

Under the Law of Ukraine "On the appeal of citizens" of answer for queries given by the archived department during a month, and depending on the results of  - the archived certificate, or negative answer, if corresponding documents it is not educed in an archive.

Queries of invalids and veterans of Great Patriotic war 1941-1945, veterans of labour, disabled persons and persons, that suffered as a result of accident on ЧАЕС, other persons that need social defence, - executed first of all, and,on possibility, quickly.